VERITY | Executes Joint Venture with Chinese Owned Entity EPEM

16 de abril de 2024 por
123, Administrator
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Verity One Ltd. has executed a Strategic Partnership Agreement with China-based EPEM Electronic Technology Co., Ltd, (EPEM). EPEM is wholly by the Chinese Government Commercial Network Construction and Development Center.

This Agreement is exclusive for verification and validation services for the official “Made in China Certified” claim to increase the perceived quality and brand of Chinese products in the international market. 

Included in this agreement VERITY has an exclusive provision to provide all Country of Origin COOL verification and validation services regarding imports into China with “Made in USA and Product of USA Certified” claims, to help balance out and provide transparency for the U.S. | China Trade deficit and all COOL claims examples: Made in Canada, Made in Australia, Made in Italy and many more, for import into the Chinese market to provide product transparency using Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

123, Administrator 16 de abril de 2024
Blockchain nutrient credit, waterway restoration, environmental remediation, ESG compliance, pollution accountability, Duke & Duke Environmental Ltd., Verity One Ltd., oyster filtration, nitrogen removal, phosphorus removal, sustainable innovation, estuary cleaning, MEME token, global water pollution solutions  
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