Verity One Ltd. Launches First-Ever Nutrient Credit MEME Token, Backed by Blockchain Technology and Oysters

September 7, 2024 by
123, Administrator
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Verity One Ltd. Launches First Blockchain Oyster Nutrient Credit MEME Token on Polygon POL, AKA Polygon MATIC, Backed by Technology and Oysters.

Cheyenne, WY – Verity One Ltd., a leader in environmental remediation through blockchain technology, proudly announces the release of the first-ever Oyster Nutrient Credits V Oyster MEME Token. This groundbreaking token, backed by the first nutrient credits harvested, audited, and certified on the blockchain, offers an innovative way for individuals to engage in the global effort to clean estuaries and saltwater ecosystems. The token is directly linked to oyster beds and nutrient remediation, one of the most effective natural solutions for water purification. Individuals can participate in real-world environmental remediation by purchasing the V Oyster MEME Token, promoting healthier marine ecosystems through blockchain-backed transparency and validation.

The First Verity V Oyster MEME Token represents 1 Rack of 10,000 Oysters engaged in water filtration and pollution remediation. This is not just about creating digital value—it’s based on blockchain proof of work, where each oyster’s real-world activity generates measurable environmental benefits. This token represents the first and one of the commercial Nutrient Credits (NC) validated by Verity One Ltd.

Proof of Work: Oysters as Environmental Workers

The process is transparent and verifiable:

  • One Rack of 10,000 Oysters actively filters 500,000 to 1.3 million gallons of water daily. Over 18 months, one rack of 10,000 oysters filters between 270 million and 702 million gallons of water.
  • Nitrogen Removal: Over 18 months, these oysters remove approximately 2.7 metric tons of nitrogen.
  • Phosphorus Removal: They also remove about 270 kg of Phosphorus in the same period.

This proof of work shows that the token isn’t merely a digital asset but a reflection of real-world environmental remediation. It is not “printing value” arbitrarily; the value comes from the tangible monetizing Pollution:

The True Cost of Environmental Damage.
Pollution costs society and the environment. The Verity V Oyster MEME Token tags pollution, making cleaning it up a monetizable action. Each Nutrient Credit (NC) represents a measurable reduction in pollutants, allowing for trading natural, proven environmental impacts for cleaning and improving ecosystems.

 A Catalyst for Global Environmental Stewardship

The Oyster Nutrient Credits MEME Token represents more than just a digital asset; it is a collective call to action for environmental stewardship. This innovative token is directly tied to the actual remediation of waterways, explicitly targeting the removal of pollutants like Nitrogen and Phosphorus, which degrade marine habitats. The process is supported by Verity One Ltd.’s proprietary audit and certification framework, developed over 30 years ago by the company's founder, Adam Reiser. At the system's core is AI-driven blockchain technology that tracks the environmental benefits produced by oyster beds.

"Let's not just ask what the world can do for us, but what we can do for the world". Adam Reiser

Collaboration of Industry Experts

The success of the Oyster Nutrient Credits program is the result of collaboration among leading environmental agencies and academic institutions. The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Services, under the leadership of Professor Lisa A. Weinger, provided essential scientific validation and support. Additionally, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VADEQ) and the Chesapeake Bay Partnership (CBP) ensured the program's alignment with regional ecological standards.

Further validation came from national authorities, including the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers, affirming that the initiative complies with national environmental policies. These partnerships underscore the program's credibility and potential for large-scale implementation.

Privately, the In-Situ Nutrient Remediation Program (ISNRP) and the Oyster Company of Virginia LLC (OCVA) played critical roles in operationalizing the nutrient credits system. Together, they have created a framework for scaling this initiative globally, laying the foundation for future projects focused on sustainable waterway restoration.

Audited and Certified for Real Impact

The Verity V Oyster MEME Token is backed by the First Nutrient Credit NC: NC#01 generated from oyster beds that have undergone independent audits and certification. These credits signify real-world environmental benefits and provide a transparent method for tracking the effectiveness of remediation efforts. The blockchain ledger ensures that every contribution is traceable, creating unparalleled trust and accountability.

The first nutrient credits were harvested in collaboration with leading environmental organizations, marking a historic precedent in using blockchain for ecological restoration. This model ensures that every Verity V Oyster MEME Token is tied to a verified, tangible environmental outcome.

 Expanding Remediation Efforts Globally

Verity One Ltd. is committed to scaling this initiative beyond its initial launch, with plans to expand oyster remediation efforts to additional estuaries and saltwater ecosystems worldwide. Key U.S. rivers, including the Potomac, Hudson, Charles, Mississippi, and San Francisco Bay, have been identified as critical areas for remediation. On a global scale, major rivers such as the Thames, Seine, Loire, and Volga present vast opportunities for oyster-based nutrient remediation projects.

The environmentally friendly use of oysters not only removes harmful toxins that hinder waterway restoration but also holds the potential to significantly expand the oyster industry, creating thousands of jobs globally. This expansion will foster growth in oyster farming and related industries by contributing to clean water efforts, generating substantial economic benefits worldwide. The launch of the V Oyster MEME Token marks the first step in a broader campaign to leverage blockchain technology for environmental progress. This initiative has far-reaching implications for local economies and global water quality, aligning economic growth with ecological sustainability. This expansion will significantly increase oyster farming and related industries, generating thousands of jobs worldwide. Launching the V Oyster MEME Token is the first step in a broader campaign to leverage blockchain technology for environmental progress, with far-reaching implications for local economies and global water quality.

Join the Movement

Verity One Ltd. invites individuals and organizations to join the effort to clean the world’s waters. The Oyster Nutrient Credits MEME Token offers a unique opportunity to make a direct, measurable impact on the environment. Together, we can restore the health of our most vital ecosystems—our oceans and waterways.

About Verity One Ltd.

Verity One Ltd. is a leading innovator in applying blockchain technology for ESG, environmental, and data validation solutions. The company leverages AI, blockchain, IoT, and ERP systems to tackle global challenges, including water quality remediation through nutrient credits. Verity One Ltd. is committed to transparency, scalability, and making a real-world impact.

123, Administrator September 7, 2024
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AI, Blockchain, watson, chatgpt,hyperledger, BiTCOIN,xrp,VERITY ONE, VERITY LICENSE UNIT, nutrient credit, epa,US army corp, Oyster V Token
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